
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Needing help with armor

I don't even know where to start with this post, or even have a title for it yet.  I just felt that I needed to write.  Even if no one else ever reads this.  I have been under attack.  At least that is how I feel.  So many things going wrong in my life.  Just as I was trying to do positive things in my life, the rug was ripped out from under me and it all crashed down.
I was just starting to exercise, lose weight, and get healthy. Then I started having health problems.  Still am, and the doctors still don't have any answers for me. At least not yet.  This battle for my health is on going.  I know that it is inflammation, and I know that it has spread and is even affecting my eyes.  Which if you know me, you know that is a BIG deal.  I already have an eye disease taking my vision, I don't need another.  So I have been depressed by all of this.  Which is affecting my whole life.  Which is why I haven't been writing.  Who would have thought that trying to get healthy could be so UN-healthy?!
Also my van and one and only transportation has died.  The transmission is gone and I do not have the money to fix it or get something else.  So I'm stuck.
And I won't go into all of the financial issues we are having, but one word describes it all.  BROKE.
All of this comes after a decision that my husband and I had made to follow God.  We feel God calling us to something (that I don't feel ready to explain)  But, we had decided to trust and follow God and now all of this hits.  So I really do feel we are being attacked.  Satan must really feel threatened.  Good.  He should. Because no matter what, despite these problems, we will still follow God and His plan for us.  We are the Victors.  So he is wasting his time.
I guess this was just a rant.  But I needed to do it.  If you do read this and feel so inclined, please do pray for me and my family.  Thanks.


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