1) The heat! In Georgia it doesn't just get hot, it gets humid as well. Making it a very sticky kind of hot. Don't even bother putting makeup on! Because it will just slide right off your face anyway as soon as you walk out the door! Don't bother fixing your hair either! It won't last ten minutes. You can't get naked enough to cool down in this kind of heat. And if you have fair skin like I do, you have to wear lots of sunscreen or be fried like a lobster very quickly.
2) Bugs! I hate creep crawlies! I hate crawly critters, and I hate flying critters! Summertime here brings them all out in abundance! You can't get away from them! You can try and use insect repellant, but who wants to spray that stinky stuff on them anyway? And I am not sure at how effective it is either. So between having to use sunscreen, and insect repellant your skin is a toxic greasy mess!
3) The electric bill. This is somewhat self explanatory on it's own. Everyone's electric bill usually goes up during the summer months with everyone trying to stay cool and comfortable. Because despite what they tell you, if you are going to stay comfortable you will have the AC blasting! My AC unit is really too small and inefficient for my home, so it has to work harder to keep us cool therefore costing us more money. I need a new one, but can't afford it.
If I had a new AC unit, and a pool it would help me not to hate summer so much. But for now I do, and I pray for an early Fall.
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